McCormick Assisted Living Welcomes Evan Molling as its new Administrator of Assisted Living    

McCormick Assisted Living is excited to welcome Evan Molling as its new administrator of assisted living. 

In his role as administrator, Molling will oversee all aspects of resident care, ensuring that the highest standards of health, happiness and service are met. His responsibilities include implementing and maintaining compliance with regulatory requirements, enhancing resident and family communication and fostering an environment of excellence in care delivery. 

“I find great purpose in providing care for others, especially our aging population,” Molling said. “Having worked as an administrator with St. Paul Elder Services as a student, I really enjoyed interacting with residents and getting to know their life stories.” 

Molling holds a degree in health care administration from the University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire and is a licensed nursing home administrator. Through his experience as a CNA, an administrative intern with St. Paul Elder Services and a nursing home administrator, he has seen the full spectrum of care required to help residents to live a fulfilled, person-directed life.  

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